Pierceton School Alumni Association

Doug Gregory | Alumni Banquet, What's Happening

The 128th Pierceton School Annual Alumni Banquet will be held on June 26, 2021 at the Pierceton Elementary School. Doors open at 4:30pm; dinner will be served at 6:00pm.

Yes, FINALLY! We will be able to celebrate with our friends and classmates from long ago at the Annual Alumni Banquet. This year’s Banquet is unique in a couple of respects: First, we’ve changed the number sequence after discovering the Pierceton School Alumni Secretary Report, 1899-1927 reported the first Alumni Banquet was held in 1893. That makes the 2021 event our 128th banquet. Second, as far as we can determine, this is the first banquet that will honor two graduating classes, because government mandates prevented our holding the event in 2020 and the Class of 1970 had to wait an extra year to celebrate their 50th graduation reunion.

The Classes of 1970 and 1971 have worked closely together to make the evening special and it is well past the time we should be together to celebrate the heritage of the Pierceton Schools…both the one most of us attended and the one that stood on the same site from 1870 to 1921. Now the Pierceton community has embraced and supported the new Pierceton Elementary School that occupies those grounds. As a community, we are fortunate to be a part of the continuing legacy of the Pierceton School.

There is nothing quite as satisfying as finding friends from long ago at the annual banquet. It’s like walking into a room of strangers only to discover none of them is a stranger. While they’re usually impossible to recognize at first, after a few minutes talking those old classmates suddenly start to look and sound just like they did decades earlier. See you at the banquet!!

Junior Achievement BizTown

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

On November 20, half a dozen alumni met with about 50 students at the elementary school to make their pitches for the jobs they wanted at the Northern Indiana Biztown project. The students filled out job applications and offered the reasons they should be selected for the job they were seeking. Then they set down with alumni who conducted face-to-face interviews, asking them to explain why they would be the best choice for the positions they sought.

The school leaders made the final decisions, but all the alumni were thrilled to be a part of the process, encouraging students to come up with compelling rationale for their selection. The Association congratulates the faculty of Pierceton Elementary School for providing this opportunity to their 5th-grade students.

The Pierceton students will participate in the Biztown project at the JA facility on Coldwater Road in Fort Wayne on December 6.

Grandparent’s Day at PES was BOOM!

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

There is very little in life that is as touching and beautiful as the relationship between a child and a grandparent. Over a dozen Pierceton School Alumni had the chance to witness that at Grandparent’s Day on November 5. We had front-row seats as we welcomed grandparents and students, served hot dogs, beans, and chips, and roamed around the tables as students and grandparents shared some precious time together.

The Alumni Association was honored to participate in this event, and we thank Principal Michele Smith and her staff for making us feel welcomed and needed at the event.

Is your class on the website?

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

We have two classes who have pages on our website. That let’s them communicate with a lot of people in a short time. If your class meets every month or twice a month, or every two months…whatever…let us know what’s happening and we’ll make sure the entire alumni group knows about it.

Unless you’re not proud to be doing it………

Don’t let the self-glossing, arrogant Class of 1966, Best PHS Class EVER! get all the coverage! Make sure your class gets the credit they deserve.

You can now see ALL of the historic Senior Class Pictures at the elementary school!

Doug Gregory | Projects

During a brief break from the school schedule in February, school staff completed the presentation of all the Senior Class Pictures at the elementary school. The Senior Class Picture Project was conceived in 2015 as the historic pictures were rescued from destruction before the old school building was demolished. PSAA determined that these pictures were integral to our mission to preserve the heritage and legacy of the old Pierceton School. Pierceton Elementary School principal Mike McClain supported our request to the Whitko school board members to display the photos at the new school.

This past year, the pictures of classes from 1960 – 1971 were hung in the school in they commons area at the east end of the gymnasium and in the hallway on the south side of the gym. These have been available for viewing since the 2018 Alumni Banquet was held in June 2018. Now all of the pictures from 1913 – 1959 have been mounted on the walls within the office spaces at the school.

If you’d like to see the pictures, you can visit the school any day classes are in session. Visiting hours for viewing are from 9:30 – 11:30am or 1:30 – 2:30pm. No need for an appointment; just show up and stroll down memory lane!

PES Carnival Packs Them In!

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

Thanks to all the Pierceton School Alumni who helped with the Carnival on January 26. More than 200 students, parents, and grandparents mobbed the gymnasium for games and fun. There were also over 40 PTO members and PSA Alumni who gathered to ensure the event went off as planned.

We offer a special thanks to the PTO for the outstanding organization and planning for the Carnival. It was a simple matter for Alumni to walk into their assigned positions and immediately get to work helping students get the most from their time there.

We also want to thank the Pierceton-Area businesses and community-minded individuals for their financial support of the event. Without them, the school could not have held the event.

Happy New (Time to get involved!) from PSAA

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

Happy New (Time to get involved!) from PSAA

The new year is the perfect time to get involved with other alumni in the Alumni Back-to-School Project. You can be a continuing part of the heritage and tradition of Pierceton High School by volunteering your time at the new elementary school.

The school is asking alumni to help with everything from working with students to making copies in the mail room. The students seem more adorable than ever, and the faculty and staff are very appreciative. You’ll have more fun doing this than you had at your 50th Alumni Banquet.

If you can spend an hour or so each month, call Doug Gregory at 260-437-9935 or email piercetonalumni@comcast.net.

Santa’s Workshop was an enormous success this year!

Doug Gregory | Projects

The Pierceton Elementary School PTO held its annual Santa’s Workshop on December 4, 5, and 6. Three alumni and three FOAs (Friends of Aluminums) helped kids with their purchases, wrapped gifts, and did other odd jobs to keep the Workshop moving. Take a look at the PSAA Projects/Alumni Back-to-School Project page to catch a glimpse of real Christmas Spirit. Participants had a great time and students got great gifts for their families and friends.

There are more PTO events coming up early in 2019. If you can help, please call Doug Gregory at 260-437-9935 or email piercetonalumni@comcast.net.

YOU can make a difference at the Pierceton Elementary School!

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

PSAA President Frank Rhoades (Class of 1969) announced on Wednesday, November 14 that the Association is entering a partnership with the Pierceton Elementary School that will allow alumni to assist faculty, staff, and students at the elementary school. Principal Mike McClain‘s office has identified a number of activities at which alumni can help the school serve the community. These activities range from making copies to assisting with PTO events to working with students.

Read more about the Alumni Back-to-School Project on the What’s Happening page, and volunteer for the activity you like best!

The nature of the activities will allow alumni to choose what they would like to do, when they would like to do it, and how long they would like to work at it. There are NO long-term obligations or repeating commitments to make. This is a WIN-WIN for the PSAA and the elementary school.

Principal McClain stated that the program provides an excellent opportunity for alumni pass on the legacy of the Pierceton School experience to a new generation. He also emphasized the fulfillment alumni can expect from being able to impact a young person’s life.

Call Doug Gregory at (260) 437-9935 or email him for more information about how you can be involved.

Pierceton School Alumni Association