The 128th Pierceton School Annual Alumni Banquet will be held on June 26, 2021 at the Pierceton Elementary School. Doors open at 4:30pm; dinner will be served at 6:00pm.
Yes, FINALLY! We will be able to celebrate with our friends and classmates from long ago at the Annual Alumni Banquet. This year’s Banquet is unique in a couple of respects: First, we’ve changed the number sequence after discovering the Pierceton School Alumni Secretary Report, 1899-1927 reported the first Alumni Banquet was held in 1893. That makes the 2021 event our 128th banquet. Second, as far as we can determine, this is the first banquet that will honor two graduating classes, because government mandates prevented our holding the event in 2020 and the Class of 1970 had to wait an extra year to celebrate their 50th graduation reunion.
The Classes of 1970 and 1971 have worked closely together to make the evening special and it is well past the time we should be together to celebrate the heritage of the Pierceton Schools…both the one most of us attended and the one that stood on the same site from 1870 to 1921. Now the Pierceton community has embraced and supported the new Pierceton Elementary School that occupies those grounds. As a community, we are fortunate to be a part of the continuing legacy of the Pierceton School.
There is nothing quite as satisfying as finding friends from long ago at the annual banquet. It’s like walking into a room of strangers only to discover none of them is a stranger. While they’re usually impossible to recognize at first, after a few minutes talking those old classmates suddenly start to look and sound just like they did decades earlier. See you at the banquet!!