Pierceton School Alumni Association

Junior Achievement BizTown

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

On November 20, half a dozen alumni met with about 50 students at the elementary school to make their pitches for the jobs they wanted at the Northern Indiana Biztown project. The students filled out job applications and offered the reasons they should be selected for the job they were seeking. Then they set down with alumni who conducted face-to-face interviews, asking them to explain why they would be the best choice for the positions they sought.

The school leaders made the final decisions, but all the alumni were thrilled to be a part of the process, encouraging students to come up with compelling rationale for their selection. The Association congratulates the faculty of Pierceton Elementary School for providing this opportunity to their 5th-grade students.

The Pierceton students will participate in the Biztown project at the JA facility on Coldwater Road in Fort Wayne on December 6.

Pierceton School Alumni Association