Our Mission
The Pierceton Alumni Association was organized prior to 1893 by alumni of the 1870 school. Since those early years, the Association has held annual banquets to honor new graduates and promote fellowship among alumni. The last class to be graduated from Pierceton High School was the Class of 1971, causing our focus to change from what we were as high school graduates to what we can be as members of the larger community.
The renewed Pierceton School Alumni Association is seeking new ways to honor our heritage and legacy as an active participant in the Pierceton community and in Kosciusko County. We want to join town officials and local businesses on projects that can improve the lives of Association members and community members. In addition, we intend to establish a digital repository of school and town historical documents, photos, videos, and stories that capture the interwoven histories of the schools and the community. Ultimately, with adequate funds and capable leadership, we envision a Pierceton Visitor’s Center housing artifacts from the town and the schools that can preserve our mutual histories for future generations.
We had a GREAT TIME at the 131st Pierceton Annual Alumni Banquet. See the photos HERE.
Want to see how cool you looked in the halcyon days of your youth at Pierceton High School? You can see all of the old PHS yearbooks here, including the 1948 edition entitled Our Trails and the 1952 edition entitled Memory Lane. All subsequent editions of our yearbooks were labeled with one form or another of Echoes. We are unaware of a yearbook’s having been published in 1949, 1950, or 1951. If you find such a document, please let us know at info@piercetonalumni.com. You can also find copies of the Pierceton Elementary School yearbooks from 1989 through 2007. Maybe you’ll see one or two of your children (or grandchildren) in those documents. Have fun leafing through days gone by!
You can see the earliest records of our Association in the 1899 – 1927 Secretary’s Report, which presents the details of the planning and performance of alumni banquets from 1900 through 1927. Those 100 year-old records give a warm glimpse into the thinking of our forebears a century ago and reveal a single-minded focus on the details of each year’s reunion celebration. No doubt you will find some interesting family names scattered throughout the 28 years of history recorded in this document.
In addition, we have the original copies of alumni banquet planning and performance records from 1941 through 2013. As soon as we can make arrangements to have them digitized and uploaded to the internet, we will make them available to you.
In 2016, we dedicated the Pierceton School Memorial Tribute in front of the new Pierceton Elementary School. In 2022, we expanded the paver field on the west side and added a sidewalk for better access. Since October 2020 we have displayed Pierceton School memorabilia and historical artifacts in a permanent display case at the Larwill Campus of the Whitko Career Academy. We recently updated the PHS display at Larwill. See it HERE!
Our Mission
The mission of the Pierceton School Alumni Association is to preserve the heritage and legacy of the Pierceton Schools. We are organized as a not-for profit corporation in Indiana, raising funds with the help of the Kosciusko County Community Foundation, an Indiana 501(c)(3) corporation.
The next meeting of the Pierceton School Alumni Association officers will be held Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 1:00pm at the Pierceton Library. All PSAA members are invited to attend all PSAA Officer’s meetings.
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What happens at Alumni Banquets....
Find your yearbook here!
We have the Secretary’s Journal of Pierceton Alumni Association meetings from 1899 – 1927!

Honoring Our Legacy
PSAA is committed to honoring the legacy and history of the Pierceton School, comprised of two magnificent buildings, where young people studied and made life-long friends from 1870 through 2015. For nearly 150 years, multiple generations of families attended classes in these buildings and brought honor to the school and the community. Our goal is to ensure that students attending the new Pierceton Elementary School will embrace and enhance the relationship the old schools had with the community.

Embracing Our Heritage
Our primary project at our 2014 restructuring was the Pierceton School Memorial Tribute, now located at the entrance to the Pierceton Elementary School. Follow-on projects included restoring and displaying Senior Class photos (1913 – 1971), digitizing all of the school yearbooks (1948 – 1971), and restoring old sports trophies and other artifacts from the school. We maintain a revolving display of Pierceton School memorabilia that can be viewed at the Larwill Campus of the Whitko Career Academy.