Pierceton School Alumni Association

Senior Class Picture Project

The Pierceton Senior Class Photos are all on display at the Elementary School!

All of the old Senior Class Photos from Pierceton High School (1913 – 1971) are now on display in the Pierceton Elementary School building. They are available for viewing on days school is in session, from 8:30am to 11:00am and from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. If you’d like to see them, just show up at the school, tell the receptionist you’d like to see the old Senior Class Photos, and take a walk down memory lane! It couldn’t be easier.

The Pierceton Senior Class Photo Project began in 2015 when Association members recovered 58 historic photos from the old Pierceton School before the building was demolished. Association members spent many hours cleaning, restoring, packaging, cataloging, and safeguarding the old pictures for preservation as we sought an appropriate venue to display them. During the restoration process, Whitko graduate Joan Hostettler, owner of Heritage Photo Services in Indianapolis, converted all of the pictures into digital format that can be used in multiple future applications. (If you’d like more information about the those digital photos and the services Heritage Photo provides, contact Joan at heritagephoto@indy.rr.com.)

In early 2018, with the enthusiastic support of elementary school principal at that time, the Whitko School Board granted the Association permission to display the pictures at the new Pierceton Elementary School. The principal directed the Association to work with some of the staff members to find a suitable way to display the pictures, and later that year the school staff began to mount the pictures. The pictures of classes 1960 through 1971 were hung in the main entry hall outside the gymnasium and along the hallway on the south side of the gymnasium. These were first displayed during the Alumni Banquet in June 23, 2018. The remainder of the Senior Class Photos were mounted throughout the school’s office spaces in February, 2019.

The Senior Class Photos are tangible reminders of the heritage and legacy of the old Pierceton School. The Association deeply appreciates the hours of love and labor that went into restoring and preserving these historic artifacts.

If you need a special time to see these treasures, please call the school office at 574-594-2210, ext. 5001. They can help you set a time to browse through the pictures and see yourself like you thought you were back then.

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Pierceton School Alumni Association