Contact Us
How can we help you today?
We are eager to hear from you about the things you would like to see or do in the Pierceton School Alumni Association. Send a message and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. Just click here or fill out the contact form below, send your message, and we’ll be ready to respond.
And by the way… Email is the fastest, most convenient way for us to communicate. If you’ll give us your email address, and we’ll send all PSAA correspondence to you via email. You’ll get the same great information as always…just faster and more economically.
However, if you don’t check your email regularly, like twice a week or so, then the email option might not work for you. We wouldn’t want you to miss any of the great news and information we send out. If that’s the case, ignore the email option and we’ll keep sending you information by US mail.
If you decide email is a good option for you, simply click the Email Us! button below and put Send by Email as the message. We’ll do the rest! You can always opt out later if you change your mind.
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PO Box 288
Pierceton, IN
USA. 46562
Phone Number
(260) 437-9935