Pierceton School Alumni Association

Pierceton School Memorabilia


In October 2020, we were invited to display Pierceton School memorabilia and historical artifacts in a permanent display case at the Larwill Campus of the Whitko Career Academy. [See photos at right.] We eagerly joined Larwill, Pierceton, Sidney, and South Whitley alumni associations working to pack historical treasures from our past into the former trophy cases near the gymnasium.

PSAA continues to seek other venues to showcase these treasured items, and the space at the Career Academy represents an incredible opportunity for us to display some of the many items that remind us of our past. We are grateful to the Academy Director, along with the entire Whitko Career Academy staff, for making this space available and for working with us to help preserve the heritage and legacy of the Pierceton School.

You’ll want to make sure you get over to the Larwill campus to see the PSAA display. Since the 2024 banquet, we have added more items to the Larwill display case, and we continue to restore items to rotate the display.

We encourage you to visit the Academy and visit the display during regular school hours. Just contact the Academy 260-723-5146 for more information and to obtain entry.


Now it’s time for you to share your school memories with the world!

Why not rummage through the attic and the garage to see if you can find any old Pierceton School items – like senior cords, letter jackets, grade cards, diplomas, band instruments, or anything else from the old school? If you would be willing to loan these kinds of items to us for the display, please call Doug Gregory 260-437-9935 for more information. You will still maintain ownership of the items, as you will simply be loaning them to PSAA specifically for the school display at the Larwill campus. (The display area is temperature and humidity-controlled, so your items will be safe!)

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Pierceton School Alumni Association