Pierceton School Alumni Association

Santa’s Workshop was an enormous success this year!

Doug Gregory | Projects

The Pierceton Elementary School PTO held its annual Santa’s Workshop on December 4, 5, and 6. Three alumni and three FOAs (Friends of Aluminums) helped kids with their purchases, wrapped gifts, and did other odd jobs to keep the Workshop moving. Take a look at the PSAA Projects/Alumni Back-to-School Project page to catch a glimpse of real Christmas Spirit. Participants had a great time and students got great gifts for their families and friends.

There are more PTO events coming up early in 2019. If you can help, please call Doug Gregory at 260-437-9935 or email piercetonalumni@comcast.net.

YOU can make a difference at the Pierceton Elementary School!

Doug Gregory | Projects, What's Happening

PSAA President Frank Rhoades (Class of 1969) announced on Wednesday, November 14 that the Association is entering a partnership with the Pierceton Elementary School that will allow alumni to assist faculty, staff, and students at the elementary school. Principal Mike McClain‘s office has identified a number of activities at which alumni can help the school serve the community. These activities range from making copies to assisting with PTO events to working with students.

Read more about the Alumni Back-to-School Project on the What’s Happening page, and volunteer for the activity you like best!

The nature of the activities will allow alumni to choose what they would like to do, when they would like to do it, and how long they would like to work at it. There are NO long-term obligations or repeating commitments to make. This is a WIN-WIN for the PSAA and the elementary school.

Principal McClain stated that the program provides an excellent opportunity for alumni pass on the legacy of the Pierceton School experience to a new generation. He also emphasized the fulfillment alumni can expect from being able to impact a young person’s life.

Call Doug Gregory at (260) 437-9935 or email him for more information about how you can be involved.

Pierceton School Alumni Association